Landing is Inevitable

Monday, November 20, 2006

I can see clearly now the rain has gone

It rained heavily on Friday afternoon but as quickly as it came, the clouds disappeared making way for clear skies and constant winds. Making it a perfect beginning to the weekend. I started the weekend off by successfully maidening Multiplex Easy Glider (EZG) on Friday evening. The winds was favourable to us, as we had constant wind blowing the right way for extended periods of time. That made it much easier for me to keep the EZG in the air as it was my very first time flying an unpowered plane and it was an exhilarating experience. And it was an interesting sight to see a flock crows going after the EZG, coming close and attempting to peck it. The winds were so good that Wei Yao also managed to fly his 2.6-metre wingspan Manta without running into any problems. There was also a Multiplex FunJet on the slopes that day. Eventhough it was powered it needn't go over half throttle as the winds just kept it in the air. I really like the colour scheme of the plane though.

"Just like a scene out of Alfred Hitchcock's 'Birds'"

"Manta Ready!"

"Manta Launch!"

"Manta Fly!"

"Francis's FunJet with the cool colour scheme"


"Deft stick controls made easier with purple transmitter rest"

On Saturday, there was a big score of people at the Bedok Reservoir field, most of them training for the upcoming pylon race coming up this coming weekend. There was also some smooth flying by the guys from Radio Control Sports. More of Saturday Funfly reports and pictures from Mazon's Blog (links on the sidebar). I also managed to successfully fly my heavily repaired SuperZoom. It definitely flies better now eventhough it feels a bit heavy but I still have not managed to overcome the right wing drop whenever I do a loop. I'll try figure it out another day.

Overall, the last weekend was a fun one. It especially is when you manage to successfully maiden a new plane.

Signing off


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